Lakewood Montessori

2 kids interacting and improving their social emotional development with one another.

The Cornerstone of Growth: Social-Emotional Development in Early Childhood

The early years of a child’s life are a whirlwind of discovery. From their first wobbly steps to their first Read More »

A Montessori Child getting prepared for Kindergarten as she works on vocabulary.

Montessori Kindergarten Advantage: 4 Ways To Prepare Your Child

As your little one approaches kindergarten age, excitement can bubble alongside a touch of nervousness. This transition marks a new Read More »

Spark Their Curiosity: Choosing Books For Preschooler’s Love of Learning

The Montessori philosophy encourages a child’s natural love for learning. A vital element of this philosophy involves setting up an Read More »

A child excited to learn by doing Montessori work in the classroom.

Montessori Parenting: 4 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Growth At Home

In the whirlwind chaos of parenting, creating an enriching environment for your child at home that fosters growth and learning Read More »

A toddler enjoying his Montessori play work during his work time.

Unlocking The Power of Montessori Play: A New Approach To Learning

Welcome to a world where learning is an adventure, and every moment holds the potential for discovery. At Lakewood Montessori, Read More »

A child who is part of the Preschooler program in Lakewood Montessori School doing practical life work with keys.

Montessori: A Child-Centered Approach to Learning

As a thought leader in Montessori education, Lakewood Montessori is here to help you understand what Montessori is all about Read More »

Girl in a pink sweater working with a standard Montessori curriculum, practical life.

Cultivating Independence and Language Skills with the Montessori Curriculum

The Montessori curriculum is a renowned educational approach that emphasizes the development of practical life skills, independence, and language in Read More »

A Student Exploring Montessori Education with hands on work.

Montessori Education in Action: A Preschoolers Adventure

Montessori education is a unique and innovative approach to learning that has captured the hearts and minds of educators, parents, Read More »

A girl playing in our Montessori playground

Unlocking the Potential: How Montessori Schools Nurture Children’s Individuality

The Montessori approach is a beacon of innovation and inclusivity in education. Dr. Maria Montessori founded this child-centered educational method, Read More »

The 5 Core Components of Montessori Education

Montessori education has been a well-researched, time-tested teaching system for over a century. Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, a physician and educator, Read More »